Menstrual Problems

Menstrual Problems

Menstrual Problems may refer to the many different types of menstruation disorders, such as delay or absence of bleeding, painful cramping and profuse bleeding, among others.


Factors that are responsible for this condition include the increased intake of sour, salty, hot, pungent, heavy, and fermented food; meat of fatty and domestic animals; alcoholic beverages; indigestion; and eating before the previous meal is digested. Conditions that also have a strong effect include repeated abortions, excessive sexual activity, increased physical exertion (walking, riding, weight lifting, etc.), emaciation, trauma, and day sleeping. Psychological conditions such as grief, anger, lust, and anxiety are also known to play a key role in aggravating menstrual problems.


  • Depression
  • Body aches
  • Burning in the lower portion of groin

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    Ayurvedic View

    According to Ayurveda, poor diet and inefficient digestion are the main causative factors for these disorders. Improperly digested food leads to the production of toxins in the body. These toxins are circulated by the blood to the deep tissues and channels, where they cause blockages and stagnation. These conditions cause aggravation of Vata Dosha (air) and the Rakta Dhatu (blood). The aggravated Vata brings impaired blood into the channels carrying the raj (menstrual blood), leading to increased menstrual blood flow.

    Ayurveda recommends different types of treatment to treat menstrual problems. These include nourishing and toning herbs as well as rejuvenative treatment in accordance with the nature of the disorder. Massage and the incorporation of meditation and yoga may also be beneficial for permanent elimination of the problems. It is important to address these menstruation problems because a woman expels a large proportion of her wastes and toxins through this process. If these toxins remain in the body, they cause further stagnation and blockage within the body.

    Diet & Lifestyle Advice

    • Try and avoid all the causative factors mentioned above.
    • Any kind of physical and psychological stress should be strictly avoided.
    • During menstruation, raise the foot of the bed in order to keep the legs and feet elevated while sleeping.
    • Avoid tea, coffee, and icy cold drinks. Instead, have drinks at room temperature and that have cooling properties, such as peppermint tea.
    • Cooling showers and bathing with sandalwood and mint essence are helpful.